‘On the couch’ with Jasminda

DEAR Jasminda,

A FRIEND recently asked me if I’d like all her son’s clothes that he’s grown out of as they would fit my son perfectly.

He always wears fashionable clothes and designer brands, so I was really happy.

When she dropped them over last week, she said, “So, I’m only charging you $200 because we are such good friends. They are worth so much more”.

I was so taken aback that I said I’d do a bank transfer, but now I don’t even want the clothes.

What should I do?

Peggy H.

Dear Peggy,

My mum, in this instance, would say, “Take them back and throw them at her” which is her standard line for pretty much anything.

I tend to agree with her.

I can understand that you may be hesitant to be confrontational as it could have an impact on your friendship, but I think that horse has already bolted.

By withholding details that would have allowed you to make an informed decision, your friend has displayed unconscionable conduct or, in layman’s terms, she’s given you a bum steer.

If you keep the clothes and pay for them, you’ll think about this incident each time your son wears them.

I’d deliver them back to her and say, “I had a think about you being able to get more money for the clothes, so, because we are such good friends, I’m giving you that option”.

Her reaction may help guide your decision about whether this is a friendship you want to invest any more time in.

Carpe diem,

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