C.ex Coffs Bowls Club

Jan Appleton, Jeanette Kutz, Shirley Willis and Brenda Fane.

C.EX Coffs Bowls Club has resumed play after their short Summer Break, and were virtually straight back into competition mode.

The Club Fours Championships have been played and won by Jan Appleton, Jeanette Kutz, Shirley Willis and Brenda Fane with Di De La Cruz’s team of Joan Griffin, Margaret Stocks and Beryl Foster the runner-ups.

A good competition played in a round robin format that all enjoyed.

Thursday 26th January: Robyn Groundwater, Jan Appleton, Brenda Fane d Linda Hoffman, Jeanette Kutz, Brenton Merchant 12-8; Angela Fryer, Sue Wilson, Di De La Cruz d Jill Merchant, Shirley Willis, Dot Heron 22-11.

Tuesday 31st January: Joan Griffin, Margaret Stocks, Brenda Fane d Beryl Foster, Jeanette Kutz, Di De La Cruz 18-14; Jill Merchant, Shirley Willis d Jo Burgess, Dot Heron 20-8; Sue Wilson, Jan Appleton, d Robyn Groundwater, Mary Buckley 19-12.


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