NSW Government denies need for public high school in Medowie

FOLLOWING NSW Labor’s recent election promise to build a public high school in Medowie, Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell has said the plan shows the opposition’s “lack of understanding when it comes to running the NSW school system”.

“Based on the evidence and data, including population trends, growth in Medowie can be accommodated at existing schools with upgrades to both Irrawang High School and Hunter River High School funded by the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government,” said Ms Mitchell.

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“This investment will provide fit-for-purpose learning spaces and core facilities for more than 2,000 students across both schools and, importantly, ensure local students continue to have access to a breadth of curriculum offering and subject choice.

“NSW Labor needs to come clean to the community about the impact a new school would have on curriculum choices and student outcomes.

“They also need to explain why they are short-changing the community by not committing the full funding required to deliver a new high school.

“This is further evidence that Labor can’t be trusted, especially given their track record of closing 90 schools in the state when they were last in government.”

According to a NSW Department of Education spokesperson, current modelling shows student population growth in the Medowie area and surrounding areas is not sufficient to warrant a new high school.

“Projects are underway to upgrade both Irrawang High School and Hunter River High School, which will provide fit-for-purpose learning spaces and core facilities for more than 2,000 students across both schools,” the spokesperson said.

“We continue to monitor population growth and demographic trends in Medowie, including new housing developments, to ensure that future demand can be met.”

The long standing Member for Port Stephens, Kate Washington remains in total disagreement with the NSW Government’s position on the need for a public high school in Medowie.

“More than a thousand students are wasting hours every weekday getting to and from high school,” Ms Washington said.

“The sheer logistics of transporting so many students out of town means buses leave early and get back late, even if they’re only travelling to Raymond Terrace.

“So students struggle to play sports after school or keep a casual job, losing connection to community and affecting wellbeing.”

Ms Washington believes a public high school in Medowie will also make getting to and from school safer for students.

“For too long, students have had to deal with overcrowded, unreliable buses.

“Recently, it’s gotten so much worse.

“In 2022, hundreds of buses failed to turn up, leaving students stranded on the side of the road.

“Without any doubt, a local public high school will make Medowie’s children safer.”

Addressing concerns about the range of subjects to be offered to students at the proposed school, she said, “Every aspect of Labor’s plan for a public high school in Medowie will be guided by the best educational outcomes for students.

“If Labor is elected to government, the school will be developed collaboratively with the community and other local public schools,” she stated.


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