OPINION: Choose to be human on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament

DEAR News Of The Area,

READING Peter Weyling’s letter (NOTA 13/01/23), I’m reminded of two great thinkers.

The brilliant physician Dr Bessel Van Der Kolk, who said ‘…human beings are experts in wishful thinking and obscuring the truth’.

And NOTA’s very own courageous reader, Warren Tindal (NOTA 30/12/22), ‘Conservatives are timid with facts’.

Asking any person to not consider their emotion when making a decision is like asking a fish not to swim.

Indeed Weyling appeals directly to readers’ fears and emotions by saying ‘Be careful what you wish for’.

NOTA’s readers will have noticed that those wanting the referendum to fail will never use the full (and factual) title of the proposal.

They always refer to a Voice to Parliament – as though the Voice will give Aboriginal people a say over capital gains tax, negative gearing or franking credits.

The Voice will not do that.

Factually, the Voice to Parliament will advise Federal Parliament on matters of significance to Indigenous Australians.

As our PM says, asking Aboriginal people before we make laws about Aboriginal people is just good manners.

Weyling may wish for a life without emotions.

I choose to be human and to have feelings and to also have good manners.

Jean-Paul LEUNG,

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