Urgent action required on Harbour

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE current boat ramp situation is also a symptom of a greater problem.

The Harbour is constantly being filled with sand due to the natural northward drift of sand which, combined with a north east swell, funnels the sand through the harbour mouth.

Our Harbour is dying.

It is a man made construction and requires a man made solution.

It needs dredging.

There is much attention given to the foreshore development, and rightly so.

The Harbour and its foreshores is the city beach and provision of facilities and amenities for citizens and visitors is obviously needed.

But if we don’t do something about the actual Harbour, all will be for naught.

We need urgent action at all levels of government.

Coffs Harbour is a major port between Newcastle and Brisbane, it has a part to play in our national security.

The Federal Government through the Department of Defence should be keenly interested in maintaining the viability of this national asset.

It is also a port of entry to Australia.

Also, the State Government has a responsibility to the commercial operations sustained through this port – fishing and tourism the most obvious.

Our local government needs involvement to maintain the attractiveness and livability of this city.

The Harbour needs dredging, or our city will need to change its name to just Coffs.

Coffs Harbour.

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