OPINION: Our land is our land, our harbour is our harbour

DEAR News Of The Area,

I wish to congratulate last issue contributors.

I agree with R Tindale that the Council’s “plan is truly visionary – what Coffs residents want at the Jetty foreshore.”

Perhaps we need a State Member more sympathetic to the recreational needs of residents and visitors rather than developers for our beautiful harbour foreshore?

We do not want interference by the greedy Sydney and local interests.

Our land is our land.

Our Harbour is our Harbour.

Further, congratulations to Frank Scahill on your comments about “priceless harbour-side real estate” – “community asset or commercial profit?”

The former is the truth – the land belongs to the people – not developers.

Wake up people!

I would like to say to Patrick Walters – the Mayor’s revised plan in principle is wonderful – the land belongs to the people – the community – no high rise development.

Let’s have recreation areas for everyone.

Rev Dr. Graham WHELAN (Padre) OAM,
Coffs Harbour Jetty.

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