OPINION: Listen to First Nations people on The Voice to Parliament

DEAR News Of The Area,

IT seems like all out bloody war has broken out with the National party executive announcing their opposition to ‘the Voice to Parliament’.

Divisions are occurring within the National party on a personal and State based level with WA being opposed to the premature opposition to ‘the voice’.

Liberals also are divided with their leader Peter Dutton calling for more detail to the Referendum proposal.

Indigenous communities too are divided with Senator Jacinta Price leading the conservative right of the Liberal party into conflict with Linda Burnie the Minister of Indigenous Affairs.

Carolyn Heise, our Teal independent, was very much in favour of the voice to Parliament as was our local First Nations representatives as far as I am aware.

Pat Conaghan should now liaise with and listen to our local First Nations people with truth telling to hear their voice.

Coffs Harbour.

2 thoughts on “OPINION: Listen to First Nations people on The Voice to Parliament

  1. Dear Brian
    In my opinion you should save keep such opinions to yourself.
    We do notwant apartheid in Australia.
    PS First nations’ are in Canada.
    Keep.up with it Brian

  2. All Aboriginal people have a voice and representation in parliament.
    People should be more concerned about the most marginalised Australians who don’t live in urban areas and have access to everything those who live in urban areas have access to.
    The majority of Aboriginal Australians have never lived their culture or traditions.
    They need to visit remote communities and see how the most marginalised live.

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