Medowie community commemorates Remembrance Day

Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington with Port Stephens Councillors Jason Wells and Leah Anderson with Trish Wells.

THE Medowie RSL sub-Branch commemorated Remembrance Day at the new memorial at Medowie Social on Friday, 11 November.

On the agenda for Medowie, apart from recognition of the fallen, was a black tie event held by the sub-Branch.

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Port Stephens Councillor Chris Doohan usually attends the Medowie RSL sub-Branch Services, however he was in Wagga Wagga supporting Defence in the technical training of the next generation of aviators, sailors and soldiers.

Paul Bartlett laid a wreath on behalf of Councillor Doohan at the Service.

A message from Councillor Doohan was read to the guests at the inaugural black tie event.

Councillor Doohan told News Of The Area, “Today holds a special spot in the hearts of all of us, and although commemorative, it is truly sad to know that so many loved ones lost their lives defending our liberties.”

He wished all who attended the black tie event a wonderful evening, and sincerely thanked the organising team for their efforts in coordinating the event.

Councillor Doohan encouraged all to share some great stories with each other and to remember to give thanks to those watching from above.

Also in attendance at the event were Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington and Port Stephens Councillors Leah Anderson and Jason Wells.

Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington said, “A wonderful night was had by all at Medowie RSL sub-Branch’s inaugural Remembrance Day dinner.”

Lest We Forget.


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