A weekend with the Australian Native Bee Association Coffs Coast Coffs Coast News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 30, 2022 Entomologist Dr Tim Heard enthrals visitors at his bee education presentation at South Coffs Community Garden. A WELL-ATTENDED, much anticipated Australian Native Bee Association (ANBA) workshop was finally held on Saturday, 15 October at the South Coffs Community Garden and Boambee East Community Centre, having been postponed in February this year due to the torrential rains in the region. The presenter was Dr Tim Heard, an entomologist, stingless beekeeper and promoter of native bees for pollination, education and conservation. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – media@newsofthearea.com.au Attendees learnt about native bees, the solitary and social ones, and how to propagate them. “A practical session was undertaken and the hive belonging to the gardens was split into two which was very informative,” Monica Rich, Chair/Secretary of the Branch, told News Of The Area. “Another of our ANBA members also brought along his native bee hive to split, which was a wonderful opportunity to see inside a hive that hadn’t been opened for about five years.” Both hives revealed a healthy bee population and structure. Tim’s slide presentation followed in the community centre covering bee nesting biology, bee foraging biology and the diversity of wild bees. Tim talked about the importance of bees in our natural systems including traditional stingless beekeeping around the world, modern stingless beekeeping in Australia and using stingless bees for pollination of gardens and farms. “Tim also covered sugarbag honey and its properties, rescuing bees threatened in the wild and much more. “We would like to thank the South Coffs Community Gardens’ President/Treasurer John Higgins for hosting this event in the luscious, productive gardens,” said Monica. Following this, on Monday, 17 October, the Australian Native Bee Association Coffs Harbour Branch installed their first hive in the Regional Botanical Gardens as part of their ‘Host a Hive’ pilot program. The aim of this program is to increase awareness of these fascinating native pollinators in the community and educational settings on the Mid North Coast. With assistance in the form of a security cage from Coffs Harbour customising expert Jason Atkinson of Acko Kustoms, the hive was safely placed in the Botanical Gardens. Over the coming months interested members of the ANBA Coffs Harbour Branch are invited to share their knowledge of the native stingless bee, Tetragonula Carbonaria, at each site with members of the public. If anyone is interested in hosting a native bee hive please contact the Chair of the ANBA Coffs Harbour Branch, Monica Rich, via email at monicarich00@gmail.com. The Australian Native Bee Association is a national support network and mentor for interested beekeepers for the native stingless bees. Networking opportunities and connection with others are available to share experiences and information on bee diversity, people, climates, habitats, techniques and ideas. If you would like to know more about the Association please visit www.anba.org.au. Australian Native Bee Association Treasurer Elaine Bean and Chair/Secretary Monica Rich at South Coffs Community Garden. Australian Native Bee Association Coffs Harbour Branch members Elaine Bean and Moniac Rich, installing its first hive in the Regional Botanical Gardens as part of its ‘Host a Hive’ pilot program. ANBA Coffs Harbour web administrator Steve Flavel, Dr Tim Heard and ANBA Coffs Harbour Branch members Elaine Bean and Monica Rich.