Delightful Depictions Art Exhibition and Auction at the Phoenix Gallery

The Artists in Action who will feature in the Delightful Depictions Art Exhibition and Auction at the Phoenix Gallery are (L-R) Tim Pearson, Harold Oxenbridge and Marnie Russell. The work in the background is by Edward Barns (not pictured).

ART lovers are set to flock to the Phoenix Gallery at High Street Bowraville over the period of 14 – 29 October when Artists in Action host the Delightful Depictions Art Exhibition and Auction.

Now in its sixteenth year, this event has become a staple on the region’s arts calendar and the standard of work on show and for sale this year will not disappoint.

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Artist in Action, formally a part of Life Without Barriers, was established as a visual arts program for people with disabilities and provides participants with a strong social group, access to the community and a real sense of purpose.

Artists in Action is facilitated by Nambucca Valley Phoenix and funded under the NDIS.

They meet one day each week at the Phoenix School of Arts in Bowraville and artists work with guidance from art facilitators Susie Peake and Sharyn Brady.

This year the exhibition and auction will feature the work of Edward Barns, Marnie Russell, Tim Pearson and Harold Oxenbridge.

This week News Of The Area spoke to the artists about their time with Artists in Action.

Marnie Russell said, “I love to paint and draw and the people here are all so supportive.”

Tim Pearson added, “Drawing gives me a lot of pleasure and I can draw what I like without any pressure.”

These comments were echoed by Harold Oxenbridge who said, “As well as being able to do art, I really like the company here.”

Art Facilitator Susie Peake told News Of The Area, “We teach through a step by step process and encourage artists to develop their own style and stick with that style.”

After being exhibited for two weeks the art goes up for auction at 1:00 pm on Saturday 29 October.

Susie Peake said, “The auctions are always fun and it is amazing how much the bidding heats up as so many people want to take a piece home.”

The team at Artists in Action recommend viewing the works at the Phoenix School of Arts at 88 High Street, Bowraville from 14 – 29 October.

They also advise that the cafe at the School of Arts will be open on the day and recommend having lunch there before the auction.

Susie concluded by saying, “Our artists get great satisfaction from the auctions and a sense of self esteem as they are seen by those that attend the event as real artists.”


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