OPINION: Australia’s Media Concentration Conundrum

DEAR News Of The Area,

CALLS for a Royal Commission into media diversity are long overdue.

Zoe Daniel’s promised introduction of a bill seconded by fellow independent MP Monique Ryan echoes the unease felt by increasing numbers, prompting former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to make a similar proposal in 2021, putting out a petition attracting more than half a million signatures, and beginning a steadily growing movement.

That one news service should have the power to influence governments and filter the news going to the public while simultaneously strangling independent news services is indeed a worrying trend.

That one unelected person should, through his ownership of that news service, hold that level of power is unthinkable, and yet we have allowed this to happen under our noses.

A free and independent press is one of our greatest strengths.

Bring on the Royal Commission.

Margaret ENGLAND,
Coffs Coast.

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