Boomerang Park Croquet Facility to receive Basketball hoops

AT the 8 February Council meeting, Councillor Peter Kafer called upon the General Manager to report on the installation of a basketball backboard and rings on the present croquet court facility in Boomerang Park, Raymond Terrace.

“This structure has sat virtually unused since its construction and adaptive reuse in the form of a basketball court is one use which will be used by many younger people in our community,” Cr Kafer said.

This motion was put into place at the recent Council meeting, with the Council resolving to proceed with the installation of two basketball hoops and line marking at the Raymond Terrace Croquet Court.

The Boomerang Park Croquet Facility was constructed in 2017 and has since experienced limited use.

John Maretich, Council Asset Section Manager, said the Raymond Terrace Men’s Shed is the main user for a variety of fitness and sporting activities, although further use of the courts could be enabled.

“The courts are constructed on an engineered foundation and the surface would be suitable for social play and ball games.

“The basketball posts can be positioned to limit potential impact on existing users,” Mr Maretich said.

The installation of two basketball hoops and line marking will be funded through development contributions and works are estimated to be completed in December 2022, costing approximately $15,000.


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